Nothing in This World Sexuality Violation
Paris Hilton

Pack | Sexuality Violation 2 S |
Release date | 2014 |
Length | 2:47 |
BPM | 130 |
Graphics | Banner • BG |
Peak density: 8.7 NPS
(130 eBPM)
Streams: 8 (16) 8 (14) 7 16
Description | Zaia |
Steps | 858 |
Max combo | 870 |
Jumps | 12 |
Hands | 2 |
Mines | 0 |
Holds | 61 |
Rolls | 0 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2014 |
Percent stream | 55.7% (39/70) |
Hash | 1b61fce2fd8ccb41 |
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Peak density: 13.0 NPS
(195 eBPM)
Streams: 12 (24) 12 (21) 10 12 @ 195
Description | Zaia |
Steps | 1110 |
Max combo | 1122 |
Jumps | 12 |
Hands | 2 |
Mines | 0 |
Holds | 61 |
Rolls | 0 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2014 |
Percent stream | 50.0% (31/62) |
Hash | 589cc114cc6d76a9 |
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