DJ Sharpnel feat. DJ Jea

Pack | Sharpnelshortz S |
Release date | 2014 |
Length | 2:09 |
BPM | 145 |
Graphics | Banner • BG |
Peak density: 1.8 NPS
(27 eBPM)
Streams: No streams
Description | ITGAlex |
Steps | 94 |
Max combo | 97 |
Jumps | 3 |
Hands | 0 |
Mines | 0 |
Holds | 8 |
Rolls | 0 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2014 |
Percent stream | 0% (No stream) |
Hash | 96e3fcc3678a2b9c |
Other releases of this chart
No charts!
Peak density: 3.0 NPS
(45 eBPM)
Streams: No streams
Description | ITGAlex |
Steps | 223 |
Max combo | 226 |
Jumps | 3 |
Hands | 0 |
Mines | 0 |
Holds | 10 |
Rolls | 0 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2014 |
Percent stream | 0% (No stream) |
Hash | ad3777d2cfe932a8 |
Other releases of this chart
No charts!
Peak density: 4.8 NPS
(73 eBPM)
Streams: No streams
Description | ITGAlex |
Steps | 386 |
Max combo | 395 |
Jumps | 9 |
Hands | 0 |
Mines | 0 |
Holds | 13 |
Rolls | 8 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2014 |
Percent stream | 0% (No stream) |
Hash | f4045744273a5ffd |
Other releases of this chart
No charts!
Peak density: 9.7 NPS
(145 eBPM)
Streams: 1 (33) 1 (15) 1
Description | ITGAlex |
Steps | 608 |
Max combo | 617 |
Jumps | 9 |
Hands | 0 |
Mines | 32 |
Holds | 14 |
Rolls | 8 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2014 |
Percent stream | 5.9% (3/51) |
Hash | c642a55229cd8874 |
Other releases of this chart
No charts!
Peak density: 9.7 NPS
(145 eBPM)
Streams: 1 (3) 7 7 7 4 (2) 7 (3) 4 (2) 1
Description | Nappo |
Steps | 842 |
Max combo | 847 |
Jumps | 5 |
Hands | 0 |
Mines | 18 |
Holds | 78 |
Rolls | 0 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2014 |
Percent stream | 74.5% (38/51) |
Hash | 1902aff178d39698 |
Other releases of this chart
No charts!
Peak density: 9.7 NPS
(145 eBPM)
Streams: 1 (3) 6 (2) 6 (2) 6 (2) 4 (2) 1 (15) 1
Description | Prolix |
Steps | 737 |
Max combo | 746 |
Jumps | 9 |
Hands | 0 |
Mines | 41 |
Holds | 28 |
Rolls | 0 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2014 |
Percent stream | 49.0% (25/51) |
Hash | a89897f798b73a3f |
Other releases of this chart
No charts!