Yatsuzaki DJ Sharpnel Megamax
DJ Sharpnel

Pack | Sharpnelshortz S |
Release date | 2014 |
Length | 2:23 |
BPM | 200 |
Graphics | Banner • BG |
Peak density: 0.8 NPS
(12 eBPM)
Streams: No streams
Description | TYLR |
Steps | 110 |
Max combo | 110 |
Jumps | 0 |
Hands | 0 |
Mines | 0 |
Holds | 0 |
Rolls | 0 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2014 |
Percent stream | 0% (No stream) |
Hash | 855c122781364b38 |
Other releases of this chart
No charts!
Peak density: 6.7 NPS
(100 eBPM)
Streams: No streams
Description | TYLR |
Steps | 456 |
Max combo | 513 |
Jumps | 57 |
Hands | 0 |
Mines | 0 |
Holds | 40 |
Rolls | 0 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2014 |
Percent stream | 0% (No stream) |
Hash | df5ee464d7f5e837 |
Other releases of this chart
No charts!
Peak density: 13.3 NPS
(200 eBPM)
Streams: 1 (15) 1
Description | TYLR |
Steps | 716 |
Max combo | 774 |
Jumps | 58 |
Hands | 0 |
Mines | 18 |
Holds | 65 |
Rolls | 9 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2014 |
Percent stream | 11.8% (2/17) |
Hash | 2f91be336d5fdda6 |
Other releases of this chart
No charts!
Peak density: 13.3 NPS
(200 eBPM)
Streams: 1 (15) 1 (3) 7 7 7 7
Description | TYLR |
Steps | 917 |
Max combo | 975 |
Jumps | 58 |
Hands | 0 |
Mines | 20 |
Holds | 39 |
Rolls | 9 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2014 |
Percent stream | 58.8% (30/51) |
Hash | 0851aec0f8f85317 |
Other releases of this chart
No charts!
Peak density: 13.3 NPS
(200 eBPM)
Streams: 7 7 3 3 3 3 (15) 1 (15) 1 (3) 32
Description | TYLR |
Steps | 1205 |
Max combo | 1225 |
Jumps | 20 |
Hands | 0 |
Mines | 20 |
Holds | 31 |
Rolls | 2 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2014 |
Percent stream | 61.2% (60/98) |
Hash | 783faa094d090d45 |
Other releases of this chart
No charts!