I Will Pick You Up (Kurwastyle Project Remix)
S3RL feat. Tamika

Release date | 2015 |
Length | 2:41 |
BPM | 240 |
Credit | J. Nero & Rynker |
Graphics | Banner • BG |
Peak density: 16 NPS
(240 eBPM)
Streams: 1 (14) 2 (22) 1 (65) 1 1
Description | Rynker |
Steps | 920 |
Max combo | 952 |
Jumps | 32 |
Hands | 1 |
Mines | 0 |
Holds | 143 |
Rolls | 6 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2015 |
Percent stream | 5.6% (6/108) |
Hash | 3c80ff64f87ccb80 |
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Peak density: 16 NPS
(240 eBPM)
Streams: 1 (7) 5 (2) 5 2 (10) 3 (3) 1 (65) 1 1
Description | Rynker & J. Nero |
Steps | 1023 |
Max combo | 1054 |
Jumps | 31 |
Hands | 1 |
Mines | 0 |
Holds | 104 |
Rolls | 3 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2015 |
Percent stream | 17.6% (19/108) |
Hash | c999ff69f38c1395 |
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