Alone feat. Kira Annelies Fytch Remix

Pack | Wubstream 2 SP |
Release date | 2015 |
Length | 3:53 |
BPM | 137 |
Graphics | Banner • BG |
Peak density: 6.8 NPS
(103 eBPM)
Streams: No streams
Description | Rynker |
Steps | 605 |
Max combo | 605 |
Jumps | 0 |
Hands | 0 |
Mines | 0 |
Holds | 212 |
Rolls | 11 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2015 |
Percent stream | 0% (No stream) |
Hash | f211ee41df452385 |
Other releases of this chart
No charts!
Peak density: 9.1 NPS
(137 eBPM)
Streams: 2-2-2-1'3'3'3'3/2-2-1-1-2-2-2-1
Description | Rynker |
Steps | 1214 |
Max combo | 1214 |
Jumps | 0 |
Hands | 0 |
Mines | 0 |
Holds | 120 |
Rolls | 11 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2015 |
Percent stream | 41.6% (32/77) |
Hash | 2c236444a792f728 |
Other releases of this chart
No charts!
Peak density: 13.7 NPS
(205 eBPM)
Streams: 3-3-3-1'4'4'4'4/3-3-3-1-3-3-3-1-3'4'4'4 @ 205
Description | Rynker |
Steps | 1745 |
Max combo | 1745 |
Jumps | 0 |
Hands | 0 |
Mines | 0 |
Holds | 119 |
Rolls | 11 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2015 |
Percent stream | 47.3% (44/93) |
Hash | b7bf7f18225f0e30 |
Other releases of this chart
No charts!
Peak density: 13.7 NPS
(205 eBPM)
Streams: 21 4 4 4 4 (27) 21 (3) 21 (3) 3 4 4 4 @ 205
Description | Rynker |
Steps | 1943 |
Max combo | 1943 |
Jumps | 0 |
Hands | 0 |
Mines | 0 |
Holds | 107 |
Rolls | 2 |
Lifts | 0 |
Release date | 2015 |
Percent stream | 69.1% (65/94) |
Hash | 1c2a1ed4d2827f0b |
Other releases of this chart
No charts!